Source code for qvl.animal

from qvl.qlabs import CommModularContainer
from qvl.character import QLabsCharacter
import math

import struct

######################### MODULAR CONTAINER CLASS #########################

[docs]class QLabsAnimal(QLabsCharacter): """ This class implements spawning and AI navigation of the environment for animals.""" ID_ANIMAL = 10031 FCN_ANIMAL_ENABLE_COLLISION = 20 FCN_ANIMAL_ENABLE_COLLISION_ACK = 21 FCN_ANIMAL_ADD_COLLISION_FILTER = 22 FCN_ANIMAL_ADD_COLLISION_FILTER_ACK = 23 FCN_ANIMAL_GET_COLLISION_COUNT = 24 FCN_ANIMAL_GET_COLLISION_COUNT_RESPONSE = 25 GOAT = 0 """ Configuration constant. """ SHEEP = 1 """ Configuration constant. """ COW = 2 """ Configuration constant. """ GOAT_STANDING = 0 """ Speed constant for the move_to method. """ GOAT_WALK = 0.8 """ Speed constant for the move_to method. """ GOAT_RUN = 4.0 """ Speed constant for the move_to method. """ SHEEP_STANDING = 0 """ Speed constant for the move_to method. """ SHEEP_WALK = 0.60 """ Speed constant for the move_to method. """ SHEEP_RUN = 3.0 """ Speed constant for the move_to method. """ COW_STANDING = 0 """ Speed constant for the move_to method. """ COW_WALK = 1.0 """ Speed constant for the move_to method. """ COW_RUN = 6.0 """ Speed constant for the move_to method. """
[docs] def __init__(self, qlabs, verbose=False): """ Constructor method :param qlabs: A QuanserInteractiveLabs object :param verbose: (Optional) Print error information to the console. :type qlabs: object :type verbose: boolean """ self._qlabs = qlabs self._verbose = verbose self.classID = self.ID_ANIMAL return
def enable_collsion(self, enable, waitForConfirmation=True): """Allows for the animal to respond and track the number of external collisions. Note that at least one collision filter must also be added. :param enable: Enable or disable the collision response. :param waitForConfirmation: (Optional) Wait for confirmation of the before proceeding. This makes the method a blocking operation. :type enable: boolean :type waitForConfirmation: boolean :return: `True` if successful, `False` otherwise. :rtype: boolean """ c = CommModularContainer() c.classID = self.ID_ANIMAL c.actorNumber = self.actorNumber c.actorFunction = self.FCN_ANIMAL_ENABLE_COLLISION c.payload = bytearray(struct.pack(">B", enable)) c.containerSize = c.BASE_CONTAINER_SIZE + len(c.payload) if waitForConfirmation: self._qlabs.flush_receive() if (self._qlabs.send_container(c)): if waitForConfirmation: c = self._qlabs.wait_for_container(self.ID_ANIMAL, self.actorNumber, self.FCN_ANIMAL_ENABLE_COLLISION_ACK) if (c == None): return False else: return True return True else: return False def add_collision_filter(self, class_id, waitForConfirmation=True): """When collisions are enabled, the animal will respond to hits from any actor of this class. This function may be called multiple times to add multiple classes. :param class_id: The actor class number to which the person should respond to. :param waitForConfirmation: (Optional) Wait for confirmation of the before proceeding. This makes the method a blocking operation. :type enable: int32 :type waitForConfirmation: boolean :return: `True` if successful, `False` otherwise. :rtype: boolean """ c = CommModularContainer() c.classID = self.ID_ANIMAL c.actorNumber = self.actorNumber c.actorFunction = self.FCN_ANIMAL_ADD_COLLISION_FILTER c.payload = bytearray(struct.pack(">I", class_id)) c.containerSize = c.BASE_CONTAINER_SIZE + len(c.payload) if waitForConfirmation: self._qlabs.flush_receive() if (self._qlabs.send_container(c)): if waitForConfirmation: c = self._qlabs.wait_for_container(self.ID_ANIMAL, self.actorNumber, self.FCN_ANIMAL_ADD_COLLISION_FILTER_ACK) if (c == None): return False else: return True return True else: return False def get_collision_count(self): """Get the total number of collsions this actor has experienced. Note that collisions must be enabled and at least one collision filter set for this count to be active. :return: - **status** - True if successful or False otherwise - **count** - Number of hits the actor has registered :rtype: boolean, int32 """ c = CommModularContainer() c.classID = self.ID_ANIMAL c.actorNumber = self.actorNumber c.actorFunction = self.FCN_ANIMAL_GET_COLLISION_COUNT c.payload = bytearray() count = -1; c.containerSize = c.BASE_CONTAINER_SIZE + len(c.payload) self._qlabs.flush_receive() if (self._qlabs.send_container(c)): c = self._qlabs.wait_for_container(self.ID_ANIMAL, self.actorNumber, self.FCN_ANIMAL_GET_COLLISION_COUNT_RESPONSE) if (c == None): return False, count else: if (len(c.payload) == 4): count, = struct.unpack(">I", c.payload) return True, count else: return False, count else: return False, count