Source code for qvl.walls

from qvl.qlabs import CommModularContainer
from import QLabsActor

import numpy as np
import math
import struct

######################### MODULAR CONTAINER CLASS #########################

[docs]class QLabsWalls(QLabsActor): """ This class is for spawning both static and dynamic walls.""" ID_WALL = 10080 """Class ID""" WALL_FOAM_BOARD = 0 COMBINE_AVERAGE = 0 COMBINE_MIN = 1 COMBINE_MULTIPLY = 2 COMBINE_MAX = 3 FCN_WALLS_ENABLE_DYNAMICS = 14 FCN_WALLS_ENABLE_DYNAMICS_ACK = 15 FCN_WALLS_SET_TRANSFORM = 16 FCN_WALLS_SET_TRANSFORM_ACK = 17 FCN_WALLS_ENABLE_COLLISIONS = 18 FCN_WALLS_ENABLE_COLLISIONS_ACK = 19 FCN_WALLS_SET_PHYSICS_PROPERTIES = 20 FCN_WALLS_SET_PHYSICS_PROPERTIES_ACK = 21 def __init__(self, qlabs, verbose=False): """ Constructor Method :param qlabs: A QuanserInteractiveLabs object :param verbose: (Optional) Print error information to the console. :type qlabs: object :type verbose: boolean """ self._qlabs = qlabs self._verbose = verbose self.classID = self.ID_WALL return
[docs] def set_enable_dynamics(self, enableDynamics, waitForConfirmation=True): """Sets the physics properties of the wall. :param enableDynamics: Enable (True) or disable (False) the wall dynamics. A dynamic actor can be pushed with other static or dynamic actors. A static actor will generate collisions, but will not be affected by interactions with other actors. :param waitForConfirmation: (Optional) Wait for confirmation of the operation before proceeding. This makes the method a blocking operation. :type enableDynamics: boolean :type waitForConfirmation: boolean :return: True if successful, False otherwise :rtype: boolean """ if (not self._is_actor_number_valid()): return False c = CommModularContainer() c.classID = self.ID_WALL c.actorNumber = self.actorNumber c.actorFunction = self.FCN_WALLS_ENABLE_DYNAMICS c.payload = bytearray(struct.pack(">B", enableDynamics)) c.containerSize = c.BASE_CONTAINER_SIZE + len(c.payload) if waitForConfirmation: self._qlabs.flush_receive() if (self._qlabs.send_container(c)): if waitForConfirmation: c = self._qlabs.wait_for_container(self.ID_WALL, self.actorNumber, self.FCN_WALLS_ENABLE_DYNAMICS_ACK) if (c == None): return False else: return True return True else: return False
[docs] def set_enable_collisions(self, enableCollisions, waitForConfirmation=True): """Enables and disables physics collisions. When disabled, other physics or velocity-based actors will be able to pass through. :param enableCollisions: Enable (True) or disable (False) the collision. :param waitForConfirmation: (Optional) Wait for confirmation of the operation before proceeding. This makes the method a blocking operation. :type enableCollisions: boolean :type waitForConfirmation: boolean :return: True if successful, False otherwise :rtype: boolean """ if (not self._is_actor_number_valid()): return False c = CommModularContainer() c.classID = self.ID_WALL c.actorNumber = self.actorNumber c.actorFunction = self.FCN_WALLS_ENABLE_COLLISIONS c.payload = bytearray(struct.pack(">B", enableCollisions)) c.containerSize = c.BASE_CONTAINER_SIZE + len(c.payload) if waitForConfirmation: self._qlabs.flush_receive() if (self._qlabs.send_container(c)): if waitForConfirmation: c = self._qlabs.wait_for_container(self.ID_WALL, self.actorNumber, self.FCN_WALLS_ENABLE_COLLISIONS_ACK) if (c == None): return False else: return True return True else: return False
[docs] def set_physics_properties(self, enableDynamics, mass=1.0, linearDamping=0.01, angularDamping=0.0, staticFriction=0.0, dynamicFriction=0.7, frictionCombineMode=COMBINE_AVERAGE, restitution=0.3, restitutionCombineMode=COMBINE_AVERAGE, waitForConfirmation=True): """Sets the dynamic properties of the wall. :param enableDynamics: Enable (True) or disable (False) the wall dynamics. A dynamic actor can be pushed with other static or dynamic actors. A static actor will generate collisions, but will not be affected by interactions with other actors. :param mass: (Optional) Sets the mass of the actor in kilograms. :param linearDamping: (Optional) Sets the damping of the actor for linear motions. :param angularDamping: (Optional) Sets the damping of the actor for angular motions. :param staticFriction: (Optional) Sets the coefficient of friction when the actor is at rest. A value of 0.0 is frictionless. :param dynamicFriction: (Optional) Sets the coefficient of friction when the actor is moving relative to the surface it is on. A value of 0.0 is frictionless. :param frictionCombineMode: (Optional) Defines how the friction between two surfaces with different coefficients should be calculated (see COMBINE constants). :param restitution: (Optional) The coefficient of restitution defines how plastic or elastic a collision is. A value of 0.0 is plastic and will absorb all energy. A value of 1.0 is elastic and will bounce forever. A value greater than 1.0 will add energy with each collision. :param restitutionCombineMode: (Optional) Defines how the restitution between two surfaces with different coefficients should be calculated (see COMBINE constants). :param waitForConfirmation: (Optional) Wait for confirmation of the operation before proceeding. This makes the method a blocking operation. :type enableDynamics: boolean :type mass: float :type linearDamping: float :type angularDamping: float :type staticFriction: float :type dynamicFriction: float :type frictionCombineMode: byte :type restitution: float :type restitutionCombineMode: byte :type waitForConfirmation: boolean :return: True if successful, False otherwise :rtype: boolean """ if (not self._is_actor_number_valid()): return False c = CommModularContainer() c.classID = self.ID_WALL c.actorNumber = self.actorNumber c.actorFunction = self.FCN_WALLS_SET_PHYSICS_PROPERTIES c.payload = bytearray(struct.pack(">BfffffBfB", enableDynamics, mass, linearDamping, angularDamping, staticFriction, dynamicFriction, frictionCombineMode, restitution, restitutionCombineMode)) c.containerSize = c.BASE_CONTAINER_SIZE + len(c.payload) if waitForConfirmation: self._qlabs.flush_receive() if (self._qlabs.send_container(c)): if waitForConfirmation: c = self._qlabs.wait_for_container(self.ID_WALL, self.actorNumber, self.FCN_WALLS_SET_PHYSICS_PROPERTIES_ACK) if (c == None): return False else: return True return True else: return False
[docs] def set_transform(self, location, rotation, scale, waitForConfirmation=True): """Sets the location, rotation in radians, and scale. If a wall is parented to another actor then the location, rotation, and scale are relative to the parent actor. :param location: An array of floats for x, y and z coordinates in full-scale units. Multiply physical QCar locations by 10 to get full scale locations. :param rotation: An array of floats for the roll, pitch, and yaw in radians :param scale: An array of floats for the scale in the x, y, and z directions. :param waitForConfirmation: (Optional) Wait for confirmation of the operation before proceeding. This makes the method a blocking operation. :type location: float array[3] :type rotation: float array[3] :type scale: float array[3] :type waitForConfirmation: boolean :return: True if successful or False otherwise :rtype: boolean """ if (not self._is_actor_number_valid()): return False c = CommModularContainer() c.classID = self.ID_WALL c.actorNumber = self.actorNumber c.actorFunction = self.FCN_WALLS_SET_TRANSFORM c.payload = bytearray(struct.pack(">fffffffff", location[0], location[1], location[2], rotation[0], rotation[1], rotation[2], scale[0], scale[1], scale[2])) c.containerSize = c.BASE_CONTAINER_SIZE + len(c.payload) if waitForConfirmation: self._qlabs.flush_receive() if (self._qlabs.send_container(c)): if waitForConfirmation: c = self._qlabs.wait_for_container(self.ID_WALL, self.actorNumber, self.FCN_WALLS_SET_TRANSFORM_ACK) if (c == None): return False else: return True return True else: return False
[docs] def set_transform_degrees(self, location, rotation, scale, waitForConfirmation=True): """Sets the location, rotation in degrees, and scale. If a wall is parented to another actor then the location, rotation, and scale are relative to the parent actor. :param location: An array of floats for x, y and z coordinates in full-scale units. Multiply physical QCar locations by 10 to get full scale locations. :param rotation: An array of floats for the roll, pitch, and yaw in degrees :param scale: An array of floats for the scale in the x, y, and z directions. :param waitForConfirmation: (Optional) Wait for confirmation of the operation before proceeding. This makes the method a blocking operation. :type location: float array[3] :type rotation: float array[3] :type scale: float array[3] :type waitForConfirmation: boolean :return: True if successful or False otherwise :rtype: boolean """ return self.set_transform(location, [rotation[0]/180*math.pi, rotation[1]/180*math.pi, rotation[2]/180*math.pi], scale, waitForConfirmation)