Source code for qvl.traffic_light

from qvl.qlabs import CommModularContainer
from import QLabsActor

import math

import struct

######################### MODULAR CONTAINER CLASS #########################

[docs]class QLabsTrafficLight(QLabsActor): ID_TRAFFIC_LIGHT = 10051 """Class ID""" FCN_TRAFFIC_LIGHT_SET_STATE = 10 FCN_TRAFFIC_LIGHT_SET_STATE_ACK = 11 FCN_TRAFFIC_LIGHT_SET_COLOR = 12 FCN_TRAFFIC_LIGHT_SET_COLOR_ACK = 13 FCN_TRAFFIC_LIGHT_GET_COLOR = 14 FCN_TRAFFIC_LIGHT_GET_COLOR_RESPONSE = 15 STATE_RED = 0 """State constant for red light""" STATE_GREEN = 1 """State constant for green light""" STATE_YELLOW = 2 """State constant for yellow light""" deprecation_warned = False COLOR_NONE = 0 """Color constant for all lights off""" COLOR_RED = 1 """Color constant for red light""" COLOR_YELLOW = 2 """Color constant for yellow light""" COLOR_GREEN = 3 """Color constant for green light"""
[docs] def __init__(self, qlabs, verbose=False): """ Constructor Method :param qlabs: A QuanserInteractiveLabs object :param verbose: (Optional) Print error information to the console. :type qlabs: object :type verbose: boolean """ self._qlabs = qlabs self._verbose = verbose self.classID = self.ID_TRAFFIC_LIGHT return
def set_state(self, state, waitForConfirmation=True): """DEPRECATED. Please use set_color instead. This method sets the light state (red/yellow/green) of a traffic light actor. :param state: An integer constant corresponding to a light state (see class constants) :param waitForConfirmation: (Optional) Wait for confirmation of the state change before proceeding. This makes the method a blocking operation. :type state: uint32 :type waitForConfirmation: boolean :return: `True` if successful, `False` otherwise :rtype: boolean """ if (not self._is_actor_number_valid()): return False if self.deprecation_warned == False: print("The set_state method and the STATE member constants have been deprecated and will be removed in a future version of the API. Please use set_color with the COLOR member constants instead.") self.deprecation_warned = True c = CommModularContainer() c.classID = self.ID_TRAFFIC_LIGHT c.actorNumber = self.actorNumber c.actorFunction = self.FCN_TRAFFIC_LIGHT_SET_STATE c.payload = bytearray(struct.pack(">B", state)) c.containerSize = c.BASE_CONTAINER_SIZE + len(c.payload) if waitForConfirmation: self._qlabs.flush_receive() if (self._qlabs.send_container(c)): if waitForConfirmation: c = self._qlabs.wait_for_container(self.ID_TRAFFIC_LIGHT, self.actorNumber, self.FCN_TRAFFIC_LIGHT_SET_STATE_ACK) if (c == None): return False return True else: return False
[docs] def set_color(self, color, waitForConfirmation=True): """Set the light color index of a traffic light actor :param color: An integer constant corresponding to a light color index (see class constants) :param waitForConfirmation: (Optional) Wait for confirmation of the color change before proceeding. This makes the method a blocking operation. :type color: uint32 :type waitForConfirmation: boolean :return: `True` if successful, `False` otherwise :rtype: boolean """ if (not self._is_actor_number_valid()): return False c = CommModularContainer() c.classID = self.ID_TRAFFIC_LIGHT c.actorNumber = self.actorNumber c.actorFunction = self.FCN_TRAFFIC_LIGHT_SET_COLOR c.payload = bytearray(struct.pack(">B", color)) c.containerSize = c.BASE_CONTAINER_SIZE + len(c.payload) if waitForConfirmation: self._qlabs.flush_receive() if (self._qlabs.send_container(c)): if waitForConfirmation: c = self._qlabs.wait_for_container(self.ID_TRAFFIC_LIGHT, self.actorNumber, self.FCN_TRAFFIC_LIGHT_SET_COLOR_ACK) if (c == None): return False return True else: return False
[docs] def get_color(self): """Get the light color index of a traffic light actor :return: - **status** - `True` if successful, `False` otherwise - **color** - Color index. The color index is only valid if status is true. :rtype: boolean, uint32 """ if (not self._is_actor_number_valid()): return False c = CommModularContainer() c.classID = self.ID_TRAFFIC_LIGHT c.actorNumber = self.actorNumber c.actorFunction = self.FCN_TRAFFIC_LIGHT_GET_COLOR c.payload = bytearray() c.containerSize = c.BASE_CONTAINER_SIZE + len(c.payload) self._qlabs.flush_receive() if (self._qlabs.send_container(c)): c = self._qlabs.wait_for_container(self.ID_TRAFFIC_LIGHT, self.actorNumber, self.FCN_TRAFFIC_LIGHT_GET_COLOR_RESPONSE) if (c == None): return False, 0 if len(c.payload) == 1: return True, c.payload[0] else: return False, 0 else: return False, 0